domingo, 26 de julio de 2015

Qué hacer en Madrid: Sing Along (Grease)

ESPAÑOL: (English version below)

¿Has cantado alguna vez "I got chills
They're multiplying" o "Summer lovin', happened so fast"...? Entonces sigue leyendo!

Un par de semanas atrás fuimos a ver "Grease" con Sing Along en el teatro Fígaro (Madrid). Sing Along es un concepto mágico y nuevo: karaoke + cine, oh sí ... ¡TAN PERFECTO!
Básicamente, un par de chicos agradables y encantadores te animan a cantar todas las canciones de la película (sí, hay subtítulos), y si eres uno de los afortunados, te darán una pequeña bolsa llena de sorpresas para animarlos a lo largo del espectáculo.

Nos lo pasamos genial, no era caro y repetiremos, seguro.
Cantamos (muy alto), bailamos (hasta sudar) y nos reímos mucho.
Nuestro consejo es: paga los 4 € adicionales para comprar los billetes buenos, lo merece; y vestir ropa fresca es una necesidad, demasiado calor...

El próximo 01 de agosto ponen "Hairspray", ¿Te gustaría venirte con nosotros, tomar algo y pasartelo en grande? Imagínatelo... Montones de retro chicas y chicos todos juntos por las calles de Madrid... Mejor no puede sonar. ¡Animaos!

(Entrada y fotos por Luckypanter)



Have you ever sung "I got chills
They're multiplying" or "Summer lovin', happened so fast"...? If so... Keep on reading!

Couple of weeks ago we went to watch "Grease" the movie, organised by Sing Along group at Figaro theatre (Madrid). Sing Along is a magical and new concept: a mixture between cinema and karaoke, that's right!

There're two guys leading the show, it all starts with an intro where you'll be explained what to do when a song pops up during the movie! Mainly singing obviously, but also showing off your dancing skills or getting involved in a little performance, they hand goodie bags before the show to help you perform your best. Also subtitles are displayed as soon as a song comes through to make it easier to sing along!

We had a blast! Also it wasn't expensive whatsoever so we'll repeat 100%. 
We sang (from the top of our lungs), danced (the night away) and laughed (our ars** off)
As an advise we'd suggest you to pay 4€ extra and get better seats (by the stage) it's worth it; as well wearing light clothing if visiting the same theatre we mentioned above, it's rather hot (specially if sitting in the loge seating area).

On August 1st there'll be another show!! This time will be "Hairspray". Would you like to come with us lovely bunch? Join us for pre-movies drinks and let's have a good time together at the theatre! Retro gals and lads running the streets of Madrid, fancy?

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